Monday, May 11, 2009

What's that smell? Oh, it's NJ.

Holy smokes it has been a while since I've written on my poor, pathetic blog. Good thing no one reads nor cares about this sad little webspace.

So, finals were...meh. Then I was FINISHED! Finito, as my dad would say. Afterward, I lived out of my car for almost a week. It was a jolly good time. Righto.
We hiked to a hot springs during that week! Many other things transpired. Many sad things.

Then I drove across the country home to NJ.
-Ray buying nutella and dipping everything in it, including carrots, pringles, beef jerky, dirty socks, car keys, etc.
-Discovering CRUISE CONTROL! Best thing of my life. It's so annoying now when people don't drive steady speeds on highways and through towns.
- Wow. Hate construction. Enough said.
-BFF time with Si-dog.
-Interesting coincidences not to be shared via blog.
-M vs. M.
-Phone calls in the middle of the night in which love was whispered.
-Brock sharing Ray's deepest secrets at the dinner table, Ray shutting his eyes saying, "Brock I'm never telling you ANYTHING," and the whole situation repeating at the next meal.
-Ray loves every girl.
-Sketchy, nasty hotels
-IHOP after fasting all day
-Saltines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, disgusting chocolate my aunt forced upon us
-Never living in Wyoming or Nebraska when I grow up.
-Getting really drowsy on the road many more times than Sierra realized
-Driving over the Mississippi for the first time in my life!
-Tasting the Mississippi. Ok that's a lie
-Church sites!! Nauvoo and Kirtland
-Tshirt by Shontelle, The way I loved you Taylor Swift, Here comes goodbye and when the sand runs out- rascall flatts. Those were the only songs we listened to, I'm pretty sure
-Word Girl, a superhero toy figurine from a Wendy's happy meal....she can read through walls.

Embarrassing moment memory: First month of freshman year, I was very new to facebook. Excited to use my neat webcam on my new laptop, I decided a personalized video message to my family would suffice. Naturally, I act like a psycho in it. Good thing only they were going to see it, right? I can vaguely remember reading them an illustrated children's book in a british accent. (Why I had a children's book in my dorm, I have no idea.)

So I send it off and carry on my way. A while later I noticed multiple texts on my phone from my brother and friends, all asking the same question..."You do realize you posted that video on your profile, right?" Oh, the moments that define my life.

In other news, I'm job searching. Possibly piano teacher part time, temp work part time. I have a lot of split ends...a haircut may be in the near future. The weather is beautiful and I've started running again! I love my life when I run. I study an hour a day for mission preparation. Can you believe it's real? NJ is beautiful and green, I love being home. My family is so fun. I'm trying to concentrate on the good things in my life.

Wanna know why my face is lookin real cute these days? On saturday I was getting the heavy duty extention cord so I could vacuum my cute little car. By accident I swung the plug into my face and popped a blood vessel or something under the skin. Now I have a dark ugly bruise under my eye. I also decided to get a couple bug bites on my jaw during the night, and I'm conveniently broken out. Good thing I look like I'm abused and everything.

Our new cat is named Moon. He is obsessed with himself. I refuse to call him by his name because that means he has a soul. And he doesn't. The family gives him way too much attention. I have sworn an oath to myself that I will never like him. Everything thinks he is so cute, but all he thinks about is himself. He lives the life of luxury and doesn't need anybody. He looks at you like he couldn't care less about your existence. He prances around the furniture like he owns the world. He also smells really bad at points. My mom is the worst. You can't hold her attention span for longer than 5 seconds if that vile cat is in the room. My parents love it like a newborn child. The only good thing about him is that he is so flimsy and flopsy. You can hold him in a very uncomfortable position, but the look on his face remains nonchalant and bored. Cats are gross, dogs are beautiful.

My sisters, Si and I went into the city last week. Everything that could go wrong that day did. After arriving in Penn Station, we got on the 1 subway to eventually get on the staten island ferry. When no one else was taking initiative of looking at a map, I got up and very tactfully tried to look at the only one in the car posted on the wall. A snooty business woman was conveniently sitting in front of it. I tried not to look creepy as I located the stop we were approaching. She didn't notice me at first. When she did, she almost fell off her chair from flinching so hard. I was startled because she was so startled. I apologetically mumbled that I was just trying to see the map. I heard Liv, Sam and Si trying to mask their hysterical laughter as I awkwardly sulked away in search of another. So embarrassing.

After some investigation, I realized we took the subway ALL THE WAY UPTOWN instead of all the way downtown. Wasted 90 min of my life. We got a good nap in though. When we were approaching our stop, I jerked my eyes open and said "GUYS COME ON," as I jumped off the subway. Immediately the doors closed behind me. I saw them leap out of their seats, wiping the drool from their faces. We each pressed a hand to opposite sides of the window pane and Olivia mouthed the words "I love you." In an instant their bodies zoomed off into the distance. Worst best day ever. Also, we saw a skinny happy old man wearing a very short and revealing dress-sort of thing.

Sigh. I miss my boyfriend.

Advice of the day: Love children!


  1. hey again kenners (is that wrong?...I think that is wrong) I am glad you are home safe. I just felt like I had to comment because that picture at the end of your post is so cute....I think that boy loves you....just look at how he is looking at you. serious sorry you have to be away from eachother...I can relate to that and its so you have my empathy though I know that really doesn't help you at all ;). loves
    p.s. this is from Leah but I am on my parents computer so it might show up as steve or heidi...sorry I am to computer stupid to figure it out

  2. Kenna, don't assume no one reads your blog because I do...and boy do I care.


    I don't know who Leah is but she knows what I'm thinking! She's on to us

  3. Leah!! It's so good to hear from you! I'm glad you posted as yourself and not Steve. It would be weird if this reply was sent to him, bless his heart.

    It is really hard to be away from each other. Thanks for your sympathy, it really does help to know someone understands! And boy do I know you do. He's pretty cute, huh.

    I sure miss being called Bean. When are you guys going to come out east and VISIT?!? I'm going on a mission in the fall for crying out loud. You knew that right?

  4. Um, can I just say that your blog is the best thing ever and it's not even real. Which is fine. Also, all three of you are amazing. Leah, we need to catch up! Graden, we need to hang out! Ken, want to fly to Salt Lake tomorrow? Ok, good, I'm glad we had that talk.

  5. A MISSION! Ken good for you! You will be the best missionary. When will you get to send in your papers? That is honestly so exciting. So get this my cousin Ali just got called to serve in the temple square mission and she was suuposed to give her fairwell address a couple weeks ago and this boy she was dating a little at school came to see her talk...anyway the night before she spoke he asked her to marry him...and she said yes....I guess is made for an interesting fairwell talk the next day;) pretty funny. So be very leary if this Graden fellow hopes to come and watch you speak.....I am just saying.
    So happy you get to do that bean....Sister Bean...weird.
    p.s. SI....tru dat

  6. Thanks Leah!!! That is a really interesting story...haha wow how cute. Good for her. I will keep my eyes out. ;)

    You will be happy to know I went to a ysa activity last week at this guy's house with a huge yard, and he cooked a massive pan of paella, and it was yellow with clam shells in it and it was very suspicious looking, but actually really good, and anyway his name was BROTHER BEAN. If we weren't members we would call him MR. BEAN. Great movie. Highly suggest it.

  7. Wow! I like Leah's story too! ;) Thanks for the idea; however, Kenna would definitely say no...or would she?
